Size: 3'6" by 4'6"

Size: 3' by 3'9"

I've just completed this series of four boards for the Green River Cafe at the Lansing City Market.

I've just completed this series of four boards for the Green River Cafe at the Lansing City Market.
Working on site at the Lansing City Market proved a delight, as all kinds of passionate and engaging people would stop me in my messy tracks to talk about life, art and local food. I literally live for all of these things!
The owner, Jim, gave me free reign as designer to create increasingly whimsical scenes to enhance the otherwise unremarkable environment over the counter. While pleased with my earliest efforts, the most satisfying part of this project came in the form of the many smiles and inquiries from both children and adults, all curious and seemingly more pleasant for having taken a look!
Very nice. I think it's a great idea to keep a blog for this kind of thing. Did I tell you I am finally, officially buying a watercolor from ParisBreakfasts?
I love the whimsical creativity! I want to commission you to do original artwork for my boy's bedroom, similar to the airplane in the coffee chalk board (the boys loved "coffee" and "soup" the best.) We are doing a cars/trains/airplanes theme. Call me to work out details. :)
Beautiful boards! Now I have a much better idea of what all is out there! Can't wait till you add the ones you did for Zingermann's!
Came over here via The Marmelade Gypsy, and am glad I did. These are wonderful! And since I am, in fact, heading over to Zingerman's this very afternoon, perhaps I'll get to see more of your work!
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